METHOD CARD Erasmus+ KA220-SCH-000030958

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Updatat la October 16, 2023


Active strategies for inclusion and diversity in early childhood

An Erasmus+ project

Reference number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000030958


1.  Name of the country and institutionRomania, „MODEL „ Kindergarten -Valea Voievozilor  
2.  Name of the method„I’m extraordinary and interesting”(Artistic competences)  
3.  Aim of the methodDiscovery and development of artistic skills and qualities: songs, dances, panting, handicrafts, dramatizations, theater etc.  
4.  Age of children to whom this method is appropriate5 – 6 years
5.  Brief description of the methodthe children participate in courses for the development of artistic skills ( art, music, theater etc. ) and at the end of them will be chosen the most talented child who will participate in various competentions and local shows. They are an „extraordinary and interesting’’ kids.  
6.Ideas for educational activitiesthis method can be used in practical and artistic activities.      
7.  Other notes      children participate in classes to spend free time in an attractive and stimulating way and some children manage to perform in differant fields : music, sports, theater, painting etc.  


1.Name of the country and institutionModel Kindergarten, Romania
2.Name of the methodActors in kindergarten  
3.Aim of the methodDeveloping the creativity and the expressiveness of oral language.
4.Age of children to whom this method is appropriate3-4 years old
5.Brief description of the methodStarting from a well known story, the children, by rotation, will choose an animal mask from the story and together will imagine another one in wich they are the main character. They will put in scene the story and show it to their collegues.
6.Ideas for educational activitiesCreativity and language development activities.
7.Other notesThe method can also be used in other types of activities, changing the characters, the children can be other animals, plants, members of a family, or have different jobs


Active strategies for inclusion and diversity in early childhood

An Erasmus+ project

Reference number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000030958


1.Name of the country and institutionRomania, MODEL Kindergarten –Valea Voievozilor
2.Name of the methodArt in Nature,Nature in Art (artistic competences) Exploring visual-plastic images for the transmission of emotions, feelings and ideas (Artistic-plastic competence)
3.Aim of the methodExpressing creativity and aesthetic sense, by combining the elements of plastic language, supported by shapes and patterns from nature
4.Age of children to whom this method is appropriate3 – 6 years
5.Brief description of the method Obtaining flowers prints,traces,color spots using natural hyacinth flowers.The realization of this theme,   determines the child to interpret spontaneous shapes and newly obtained colors, expressing the emotions experienced in close connection with nature.
6.Ideas for educational activitiesThis method is done in artistic-plastic activities in kindergartens, with various themes that emphasize certain ideas.
7.Other notesMaking decorative or ornamental compositions.


Active strategies for inclusion and diversity in early childhood

An Erasmus+ project

Reference number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000030958

1.Name of the country and institutionRomania, Model kindergarten
2.Name of the methodArt in the nature
3.Aim of the methodUnderstanding of the diversity of the people, in comparison with the nature‘s diversity and variety. Making emotional and intellectual connections between each-other, exchanging experiences, discussing the feelings we have when standing together in the nature.
4.Age of children  to whom the method is appropiate  3 – 6 years old
5.Brief description of the method    The methods are observation and conversation. We should allow the children to feel the emotion, to have fun and enjoy the beauty of the autumn. Touching the nature makes them happy. Outdoor activities improve their health and make them joiful.  
6.Ideas for educational activities    More activities and play outside make the childnren happier and the teaching process more succesfull.
7.Other notes    We used the collected leafes to make a hedgehog collage.  


Active strategies for inclusion and diversity in early childhood

An Erasmus+ project

Reference number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000030958

1.Name of the country and institutionRomania, Model kindergarten
2.Name of the methodEmotions through the magnifying glass  
3.Aim of the methodTo encourage children talk about their emotions and feelings. To notice positive emotions, feelings. To educate them reflect on their feelings, emotions.  
4.Age of children  to whom the method is appropiate  4 – 6 years old
5.Brief description of the method      A friendly dragon needs the children‘s help to find out how he‘s feeling. The children will be the dectective and, using a magnifying glass will identify the dragon‘s emotions and feelings and discuss about them. Having a round of discussions with children, the cases that makes someone happy, what they enjoy, what they are thankful for, what makes them sad, or angry. The children will try to find out what made the dragon feel a certain way and how could he improve his feeling. This encourages children talk about their feelings, notice positive things surrounding them, teaches reflection on and identification of their feelings.    
6.Ideas for educational activities  This method can be used when analysing various other topics. This activity may engage parents of the children.    
7.Other notes    At the end of the activity the children can draw the emotion they found with the magnifying glass.      


1.Name of the country and institutionRomania, Model  Kindergarten
2.Name of the methodFlower vase – string and wrap painting
3.Aim of the methodDevelopment of artistic sense and taste for beauty in art and nature
4.Age of children to whom this method is appropriate4 – 5 years old
5.Brief description of the methodThe children painted a vase with flowers in the kindergarten‘s yard using a string soaked in gouache paint in different colors Also using gouache paint and painting brushes they painted flower on wrap stretched around a table‘s legs.
6.Ideas for educational activitiesThe methods are perfect for art education activities, but also in science, in learning about different plants, flowers, or seasons.
7.Other notesThis kind of methods involve team work and also develope imagination and creativity.


Active strategies for inclusion and diversity in early childhood

An Erasmus+ project

Reference number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000030958

1.Name of the country and institutionRomania, Model Kindergarten
2.Name of the methodThe colors of nature
3.Aim of the methodSpring moments…. Development of artistic sense and taste for beauty in art and nature. To encourage children to observe details, colors in the nature. To develop children‘s creativity while using natural means.
4.Age of children to whom this method is appropriate4 – 5 years old
5.Brief description of the methodThe children painted spring landscape on papers on the kindergarten fence,using watercolors and brushes,visually departing directly from the surrounding natural landscape .
6.Ideas for educational activitiesThe methods are perfect for art education activities, but also in science, in learning about different plants, flowers, or seasons.
7.Other notesThis kind of methods involve team work and also develope imagination and creativity. Children are encouraged to observe the beauty and diversity of nature, to create in an non-traditional way and using non-traditional means. To promote children‘s creativity, immediate natural environment is used.  


Active strategies for inclusion and diversity in early childhood

An Erasmus+ project

Reference number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000030958

1.Name of the country and institutionRomania, Model kindergarten
2.Name of the methodThe emotions cube
3.Aim of the methodIndentify the emotions and the situations in which they apply.
4.Age of children  to whom the method is appropiate  3 – 6 years old
5.Brief description of the method    The method involves the use of one cube. It will work like a dice. A child throws the cube, describes the emotion and list situations in which people may feel this way.  
6.Ideas for educational activities    The method can be used at the end of the activities for children to describe the emotion they experienced during this activity (whether they liked it or not). It can also be used in the activities of psychological counseling of children or in activities in which children learn about emotions.  
7.Other notes    A second or third cube can be used, so the children can work in pairs. Creating a role play with short dialogues or situations in which they might feel those emotions.


1.Name of the country and institutionRomania, Model Kindergarten
2.Name of the methodThe story of the day (Language and communication competence)  
3.Aim of the methodDeveloping the creativity and the expressiveness of oral language.
4.Age of children to whom this method is appropriate5 – 6 years old
5.Brief description of the methodThe children invented a story, starting from a boy that was different from his friends. One by one, the children stepped in front of the class and drawn a piece of the story. The boy wears every day the same clothes, a clown hat and a torn jumpsuit, he loved so much the circus that he spent all of his money on a circus ticket. In the second image we can see the child that went into the forest to find fruits and met with a bear that ripped all his clothes. In the fifth image is the Pink Fairy that appears and sees the boy sad and offers to fullfill him wish. In the last image is the boy’s wish, he wanted a shirt that never gets torn, a pair of trousers and some flying sandals. At that’s how the children story ended.
6.Ideas for educational activitiesLanguage development activitites
7.Other notesThe method can also be used in other types of activities, such as art. It’s a good activity to encourage team work, to develop imagination and creativity.


Active strategies for inclusion and diversity in early childhood

An Erasmus+ project

Reference number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000030958

1.Name of the country and institutionRomania, Model kindergarten
2.Name of the methodThe TV
3.Aim of the methodTo encourage children to talk about themselves, to learn to introduce himself/herself or others.
4.Age of children  to whom the method is appropiate  3 – 6 years old
5.Brief description of the method    For children at the age of 3-4 years old: a frame is made of cardboard. During the activity, children, holding the TV frame in front of them, talk about themselves: say their name, age, what they like, who their friends are, what they have got etc. Then, by saying annother child‘s name, the child gives the frame to him/her. For children aged 5-6 years old: A TV frame is made of cardboard or lego cubes. Children in pairs, or alone, can prepare various presentation of a chosen topic (professions, seasons, weather, means of transport etc.)  
6.Ideas for educational activities    Various TV Programms can be arranged, children‘s presentation may be video recorded and watched together. This stimulates children‘s self-confidence, skills of collaboration and communication.  
7.Other notes    The method is suitable for children of different ages. It does not require resources of time of materials to prepare. The method is suitable for both individual and team work.          

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